
 Urgent and Emergent Support for Hospital-Based Physicians 1-800-668-4357 (HELP)


Urgent and Emergent Support for Hospital-Based Physicians

1-800-668-4357 (HELP)

Home / Help My Hospital

Help My Hospital

Beyond helping your hospital care for urgent and emergent patients, CritiCall Ontario can also support your hospital when demand for critical care resources exceeds your organization’s capacity. CritiCall Ontario works closely with Critical Care Services Ontario (CCSO), the Ministry of Health, Ontario Health, and other health care stakeholders to help coordinate response in crisis or potential crisis situations due to any number of factors, including internal or external events. We also provide hospitals with access to the Provincial Hospital Resources System (PHRS) and the Repatriation Tool, to ensure up to date information about hospital beds and resources is available and to support the movement of patients from higher level to lower level acute care hospitals.