
 Urgent and Emergent Support for Hospital-Based Physicians 1-800-668-4357 (HELP)


Urgent and Emergent Support for Hospital-Based Physicians

1-800-668-4357 (HELP)


CORD BI (CORD with Business Intelligence) is CritiCall Ontario’s primary data source, based on hospital usage of CritiCall Ontario’s:

  • Call Centre Service 1-800-668-435
  • Provincial Hospital Resource System (PHRS)
  • The Repatriation Tool

This Business Intelligence Tool provides dashboards that combine key indicators and graphics that are customizable for hospitals.

Once you have registered, click CORD BI to log-in.

CORD BI users are able to access:

  • Updated data updated every two weeks, available by month, quarter or year
  • The volume of patients referrals and consultations by hospital, specialty, case type (urgent/emergent, life or limb) and age
  • The volume of cases for which consults were declined or there was no response, by hospital, date and specialty
  • The volumes of patients repatriated with or without delay
  • Patient level data for your hospital’s cases (PHI, if appropriate, see User Terms) in accordance with the permitted uses under s.37 of PHIPA as authorized by the Hospital’s Privacy contact and in accordance with the provisions under the Master Participation Agreement (MPA) for CritiCall Ontario Services
  • Data in downloadable formats, ready for presentation (pdf) or analysis (excel)
  • Data that aligns with quality domains such as timeliness, efficiency, equitable and patient centered

Click here to download the CORD BI Dashboard Guide.

Registering for Access to CORD BI

All Hospitals have at least one (1) Local Registration Authority (LRA) (please see MPA for details) who can authorize accounts for Hospital Users to CORD BI. For access requests for CORD BI with PHI, hospital LRAs should consult with their Hospital Privacy contact to ensure the Hospital User is permitted access to PHI under s.37 of PHIPA.

To request a CORD BI account or change the status of an existing account please complete the CORD BI USER REGISTRATION AND STATUS CHANGE FORM

All forms require authorization and submission by a hospital LRA. If you do not know who your hospital LRAs are, please contact CritiCall Ontario’s Client Relations team at clientrelations@criticall.org or our Helpdesk at helpdesk@criticall.org